Sunday, April 27, 2014

Arnhem and Oosterbeek - May 2013

Almost twelve months on and it occurs to me that I’ve never actually gotten around to posting these!

In May last year I spent a very enjoyable and memorable two days pottering around the Second World War battlefields of Arnhem and Oosterbeek.

It was an area I’d always wanted to visit since first seeing A Bridge Too Far and later reading Cornelius Ryan’s eponymous book, and I was delighted to finally make the trip.

Arnhem and its surroundings were absolutely beautiful in the early summer sunshine; so much so that it was difficult at times to recall the absolute ferocity of the fighting that raged amongst the streets, houses and gardens of the area in September 1944 as the British 1st Airborne Division fought for its life trying to hold on for XXX Corps.

Anyway, I’ll let the videos do the talking. Apologies in advance for the ever-so-slightly cheesy background music on the first slideshow – I couldn’t resist after having seen the film so many times!


  1. Hi Peter, nice montage. I didn't mind the music as I love the film too! Nice blog you've got here as well, great to see ANZAC services in other countries (I'm in NZ). Cheers, Paul.

    1. Thank you very much, Paul, and apologies for the delay in replying to you - Blogger doesn't seem to notify me at the moment when someone comments!
